Users of Word Tutor, including my daughter, have made a number of suggestions about ways to improve the application in later releases.

Here is a list of suggestions that have been made:

  • Paste of a list of words into a wordlist

  • Merging of wordlists

  • Drag and drop words between wordlists

  • Import words (and pronunciations/phrases) from a text file

  • Thumbs up/Thumbs down buttons for quick feedback

  • Use of WordNet to automatically supply sample phrases for English words

  • Included dictionary to ensure words are spelt correctly

  • Support for non-English languages

  • Configure number of words in a test

  • Keep track of mastered and problem words

  • Track difficulty ratings of words between runs

  • Send bug report if previous run crashed

  • Optionally exclude mastered words from future practice drills

  • Generate practice drill including problem words from previous drill

  • Optionally use only problem words in a practice drill

  • Student profiles that independently track progress

If you have any suggestions about how to improve the application - or a preference of which features should appear in the next release - then please contact me with your thoughts.