Wiki for the win
Monday, December 01 2003
Have you ever used a Wiki? A Wiki is a collaborative, cooperative web site, usually open for anyone (and everyone) to contribute towards. Sounds chaotic, doesn’t it.
The Nature of Quality
Wednesday, December 03 2003
How good is your software, really? Is the quality of your product an external factor, imposed by testing and the gradual elimination of bugs, or is it an internal factor originating deep down in the design choices you make and the code you write?
Approaches to Development - Hacking
Saturday, December 06 2003
I’ve been thinking recently about the different ways that solutions can be developed - the different approaches taken by different people to the same problem.
Bitmap cloning in .NET
Thursday, December 11 2003
For some odd reason, Cloning a .net Bitmap doesn’t actually give you a different image. Oh, sure, the object returned from Bitmap.Clone() is a Bitmap, and it is a different instance of the Bitmap class from the one you started with. But it’s not a different image.
The Asylum
Friday, December 19 2003
If you are a software developer who is ever responsible for the user interface provided to your users, then this is a book you have to read.
Streams in .NET
Friday, December 26 2003
In my previous entry I wrote about how .net streams don’t have a built in way to copy from one stream to another.
« November 2003
January 2004 »