The Pragmatic Programmers have a Magazine
Monday, July 06 2009
The Pragmatic Programmer is one of the best books I’ve ever read - a copy of it sits on my bookshelf and it gets reread, cover to cover, every 18 months or so. Every time, I learn something new - and I’m reminded why I love my job.
Older Programmers
Tuesday, July 07 2009
Just read an interesting article which included this comment:
Performance of Dynamic
Sunday, July 12 2009
This is interesting - a side-by-side performance comparison of reflection, dynamic, and direct property access.
PhpMyAdmin and the White Screen of Death
Sunday, July 12 2009
After a recent hardware failure (*) I’ve been setting up a new LAMP sandbox, this time using Ubuntu 9.04 running in a virtualised environment.
Exception Inspection
Wednesday, July 15 2009
Here’s a useful tip that I didn’t know - you can use the pseudo-variable $exception in the Watch window to see the exception that’s just been caught.
How to Find Stuff
Thursday, July 16 2009
At this weeks Wellington .NET user group, James asked me how I find stuff - when I need to find out how to get something done, how do I find the information I need. Here’s what I told him.
Two dangerous little words
Thursday, July 16 2009
There is a common two word phrase that needs to be purged from our vocabulary.
Monitoring by Ear
Saturday, July 18 2009
When I was much younger, programming on my Amstrad CPC 6128, I found I was sometimes able to “debug” my programs by turning the volume up to maximum.
A Drupal Views "Date Trap"
Sunday, July 19 2009
Here’s a oddity that caused me a bit of grief this weekend - blogged in the hope that search engine goodness will save someone else some hair pulling.
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