NUnit to the Rescue
Thursday, December 01 2011
I’ve been spending much of my time working on a multi-tier system that makes use of special purpose data transfer objects for communication between the service tier and various clients.
CallerInfo in C# 5
Thursday, December 08 2011
Checking out Jouni Heikniemi’s excellent map of What’s new in .NET 4.5 I spotted this comment:
A story about Magic
Saturday, December 10 2011
Quite by chance, today I stumbled across a story that was old back in my university days, a story about a PDP-10, a hacker, and a magic switch.
Someone needs an intervention
Friday, December 16 2011
While investigating a routine bug fix today, I came across some code that can only be described as a buried cry for help …
Looking forward to 2012
Saturday, December 31 2011
It’s pretty traditional in some quarters to do a retrospective end of year post, recapping the highlights of a blog or community.
« November 2011
January 2012 »