What if a property declaration was a scope, inside which you could declare additional members - more than just the standard get and set declarations?
As .NET developers, we’re all familiar with the standard C# property declaration and the associated member variable:
public string Name
get { return mName; }
set { mName = value; }
private string mName;
Over on the Born to Code blog, Roland Weigelt brings up an interesting idea for enhancing C# - treating the property declaration as a scope, in which a variable declaration could be made.
Such a feature would allow you to encapsulate the relevant member variable, preventing access except via the properly accessors. It might look like this:
public string Name
get { return mName; }
set { mName = value; }
private string mName;
The obvious advantage is in the way it keeps all the related declarations together.
Let’s try a thought experiment and see what happens if we take this idea further.
By treating the property declaration as an arbitrary scope and allowing other declarations, we could create a property that knows if it has been modified:
public string Name
get { return mName; }
set { mName = value; }
public bool Modified
get { return !Equal(mName, mOriginal);
public void Load(string value)
mName = value;
mOriginal = value;
private string mName;
private string mOriginal;
Here’s a demo showing how this might be used:
myPerson.Name.Load("Teddy Bear"); // Set the original value
var changed = myPerson.Name.Modified; // Returns false
myPerson.Name = "Ted E. Bear"; // Modify the value
changed = myPerson.Name.Modified; // Returns true
What should happen if the name of a subproperty or submethod conflicts with a member that already exists on the property type? One approach would be to make it a compilation error, but perhaps a strategy in line with extension methods where existing members take priority would be good ideas, not least because of its consistency. Another potential solution would be to use a different operator (perhaps ‘..
’) to keep things in different scopes.
A big disadvantage of this syntax is that it lacks reusability - code written to provide this functionality for one property can’t be reused for another. This is probably in itself sufficient reason that this would never see the light of day - but it’s an interesting experiment none the less.
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