Intention Revealing Bools
Saturday, July 02 2016
When you have any non-trivial condition - whether in an if, while or until statement - move the condition into a well named local bool variable to aid in readability. This is another in my series of posts on Code Gardening - the practice of making small improvements as you see them while you are working.
Sharpen The Saw #6
Monday, July 04 2016
In this edition: Working with Github “Flow”, Visual Studio Update 2 goes CTP, classic books that every developer should read, Oracle is killing the Java Web plugin, and a presentation on Hacking building elevators.
Sharpen The Saw #7
Monday, July 11 2016
In this edition: You suck at TDD; how to go faster by going slower; Ninject for dependency injection; pushing through to project completion; security improvements for Gmail; and a video of a singing hippo.
When (not) to use Var
Saturday, July 16 2016
The var keyword in CSharp can be tremendously useful - but for some, it’s still a source of confusion and something to be avoided at all costs. Here’s my take on when you should use var - and when you should not.
Sharpen The Saw #9
Monday, July 25 2016
In this edition: When to use Dependency Injection; Unit testing made better with Fluent Assertions; 10 habits to adopt in 2016; Forcing passwords considered harmful; and a video on SOLID deconstruction. (For those keeping count, there was no #8.)
Don't work too hard
Saturday, July 30 2016
Don’t write more code than is necessary to get the job done. It can be very easy to write too much code. There are a lot of reasons why this might happen; the important thing is to recognise code like this when you see it and to fix the problem on the spot.
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