Sharpen The Saw - March 2020
Saturday, March 07 2020
In today’s post: Why Code Katas are important and how do do them well; the new Microsoft Edge is available now and coming to a PC near you; Yori is CMD reimagined; improving email one message at a time; why some people are chronically tardy; Intel patches CSME only for researches to find it’s still broken; the consequences of undocumented features; improving your CLI Prompt; and a talk on Unit Testing.
Redux Middleware
Saturday, March 14 2020
At this point in the development of the WordTutor, we need to properly incorporate speech generation into the application. We could hack and glue it into place on top of the existing architecture, or we can integrate it into the existing structure in a clean way.
The Liskov substitution principle goes both ways
Saturday, March 21 2020
The Liskov Substitution Principle (or LSP) is one of the big five SOLID principles and one that is often poorly understood. Yet, ignorance of the LSP can lead to subtle, expensive, and sometimes embarrassing bugs.
Redux Middleware Implementation
Saturday, March 28 2020
Based on the interfaces we defined last time, let’s integrate middleware functionality into our existing Redux store. This will lay the foundation we need for asynchronous speech generation.
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April 2020 »