It is an unfortunate fact of life in the computing industry that the most common computing platforms store text files in subtly different ways. Here is a little utility to take some of the pain out of the situation.

Unix systems use a simple linefeed (ASCII 10), Macintosh Systems use a carriage return (ASCII 13) and Windows/Dos systems use a carriage return AND a linefeed (13, 10).

Mostly this different causes no problems - but occasionally these difference can be enough of a problem to make life difficult.

Unix2Dos is a common Unix based commandline pipe for converting Unix files to the DOS representation - this application (with the same name) does the same job.


Here is the main (and only) Unix2Dos window:

Making use of the application is simplicity itself.

  1. Identify a directory to scan in the first field.
    You may do this directly, or by using the browse button shown to the right.

  2. Identify the files to process.
    Enter a filespec (usual DOS/Windows style wildcards) for the files to process. Multiple filespecs can be entered, seperated by semicolons (;) in the style of a DOS/Windows path.

  3. Uncheck the backup copies checkbox if you don’t want backups.
    (Use at your own risk)

  4. Press Go.



