A Better Property Snippet
Friday, April 04 2008
One of the less well known features in Visual Studio are the snippets -
fragments of code ready for insertion into your code at a moments notice. In
Visual Studio 2005, the prop
snippet was a very useful way to declare new
class properties, but in Visual Studio 2008 they crippled it. Since you can
create your own snippets, I created a better version of prop
that works the
way I want.
Open for Comments
Sunday, April 06 2008
There’s always the possibility that I’ll regret doing this, but for the moment, the site is open for comments.
Renaming WPF Windows
Monday, April 07 2008
So, I wanted to rename a window in a WPF application - a prototype I’m working on.
Conditional Compilation
Wednesday, April 09 2008
Now here’s a trick that I didn’t know - you can use the [Conditional]
attribute to suppress a method unless a given symbol is defined at compile time.
The End of an Era
Thursday, April 10 2008
I saw the news in the technology section of the newspaper this week that Compudigm is no more.
YAGNI is no excuse to be lazy
Saturday, April 12 2008
There’s one thing that really really bugs me about Agile development … well, ok, there are several things, but today I’m focusing on just one … and that’s the thinking around YAGNI. In case you’re not familiar with the acronym, it stands for You Ain’t Gonna Need It.
Tuesday, April 15 2008
Today I was listening to a recent episode of Hanselminutes, where Scott Hanselmann interviewed three guys from Planet Argon about the source control tool Git. I originally heard about Git some time ago and didn’t pay it any heed - having heard the show and done some follow-up research, I’m beginning to think that Git would be worth further investigation.
User Settings Gotcha in Visual Studio
Wednesday, April 16 2008
Found an interesting trap when configuring settings for a screensaver I’m working on. In Visual Studio, you can configure Settings for your project - there’s a dedicated page of project properties just for this purpose:
NAnt Naming
Tuesday, April 22 2008
I’m a firm believer in making the computer work harder than I do. The Pragmatic Programmers call this Ubiquitous Automation - whatever can be automated, should be automated.
Copy Error Dialogs
Thursday, April 24 2008
Here’s a quick tip I was shown by a friendly Help Desk guy this week (thanks, Ben!).
Configuration Manager in Visual Studio Express
Friday, April 25 2008
This one has been bugging me for a while, so I’m very glad to find a fix. The defaults for Visual Studio Express have the Configuration Manager hidden, I guess on the justifiable basis that most users of VS Express would just be confused by it. If you do need it however, you can make it visible.
Wednesday, April 30 2008
Spec# is a C# based language from Microsoft Research. It extends the language by adding comprehensive support for Contract Based Programming, with new keywords such as assume, require and expose.
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May 2008 »