The Gray Zone
Sunday, May 04 2008
When embarking on a new software project, one of the most critical decisions is that of Scope - what, exactly, is the software going to do? Even if you have unlimited budget and time, you still need to decide what you’re going to do first.
Future Trends
Wednesday, May 07 2008
Relatively speaking, I guess that Christopher Diggins is a more prominent blogger than I - but from where I’m sitting his recent post on The Future of Programming Languages is almost laughable.
My Vista Experience? It Rocks!
Friday, May 09 2008
I’ve been working for a couple of weeks on a somewhat lengthy post summarising my experiences with Windows Vista, but Ed Bott has beaten me to the punch with a very well written post.
The end of Delphi?
Tuesday, May 13 2008
I was a happy Borland customer for many years – starting with Turbo Pascal 2.0 for CP/M and all the way through to Delphi 2005. I would still be a Delphi specialist, if the realities of the job market were different.
The Curse of Remembered Pain
Wednesday, May 14 2008
Barring a few unusual individuals, all of us are very good at remembering moments of pain. For the most part, these memories serve us well, helping us to avoid danger and make good judgements. Sometimes, though, remembered pain can blind us to changed circumstances.
Studying on the Move
Sunday, May 18 2008
A friend recently asked me what podcasts I listen to on a regular basis - and I figured to share the list here as well.
Comfortable Clothes
Saturday, May 24 2008
This week, I’ve been doing some maintenance work on a Delphi application. So I’m spending a lot of time back in the Delphi IDE - a place that used to be the centre of my comfort zone.
A Settings problem
Monday, May 26 2008
I’ve been working on a major update to my Mandelbrot screensaver, a complete rewrite that brings it firmly into the world of .NET.
Preaching the wrong message
Tuesday, May 27 2008
For twenty years, the technology industry has been enthusiastically preaching the message ‘computers are easy’ to the unsuspecting public - people who have, unsurprisingly, believed the myth is true.
A Settings Problem Solved
Friday, May 30 2008
Following up on my previous post, I’ve found the cause of the problem.
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June 2008 »