Lets Play
Monday, January 03 2011
If you’re still working on getting your head around TDD, you could do a lot worse than following James Shore’s series Let’s Play, a growing series of web casts that show TDD in a real life project.
WCF, Callbacks and IIS
Thursday, January 13 2011
Creating an IIS hosted web service that uses callbacks and publishes metadata.
Fixing Performance Problems
Friday, January 21 2011
Like many developers, I’ve spent my share of time working with a Profiler, working to make a system faster.
DataBinding Lag in WPF
Sunday, January 23 2011
WPF Binding is extremely powerful and useful - but it does have a few traps for the unwary. Propagation lag is one of them.
Strategies for becoming a better programmer
Wednesday, January 26 2011
The start of a new year is a good time to review the year that’s been, and to make plans for the year ahead. Over on his DevelopWithPasson.Com blog, Jean-Paul Boodhoo has a great post Strategies for becoming a better programmer:
Validation can be the enemy
Thursday, January 27 2011
I recently stumbled upon a great entry from 2007 on Phil Haack’s blog: Don’t be a Validation Nazi, where he writes about the perils of being overly strict on validation. This is an area close to my heart, as I’ve seen so many systems end up user hostile due to overly strict validation. This can be particularly frustrating when it’s forced on the system by a misguided analyst.
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