Sharpen The Saw #13
Monday, October 02 2017
In this edition: Becoming a conference speaker; Smart installation of Visual Studio 2015; The importance of advocacy and inquiry; Why DevOps doesn’t mean you have to be insecure; and all about async programming in C#.
Test Coverage Reporting
Saturday, October 07 2017
Building on our previous post, we can take the coverage information generated by OpenCover and generate a report that shows us where our coverage is lacking.
Sharpen The Saw #14
Monday, October 09 2017
In this episode: F# 3.0 syntax; a campaign against if statements; Visual Studio 2015 update 3; laws of software craftsmanship; vulnerability on Lenovo laptops; busting a counterfeit ring; and misuse of the word ‘agile’.
Pass implementations, not representations
Saturday, October 14 2017
A friend/colleague of mine, George, made an interesting assertion - that he prefers passing implementations, not representations. As we talked and unpacked what he meant by this, I discovered a deceptively simple idea that can make our code significantly more flexible and adaptable.
Sharpen The Saw #15
Monday, October 16 2017
In this episode: Five different ways to write code that’s hard to test; dependency injection with Simple Injector; learning the benefits of regular deployment at RedGate; Symantec antivirus was insecure; the futility of trying to remember every detail; and, programming with good unit tests.
.NET Core Builds
Saturday, October 21 2017
Part way through writing this series, I decided to convert the Niche.CommandLine
project to .NET Core, which of course required a bunch of changes to the Psake build script. Let’s look at what was required.
Sharpen The Saw #16
Monday, October 23 2017
In this episode from July 2016: What you can learn by tracking your bugs; Update 3 for Visual Studio 2015; the effect of illusory superiority; hacking via text message; user interface typography; and, the keynote from React 2014.
NuGet and .NET Core
Saturday, October 28 2017
After my previous post on upgrading my project to compile with .NET Core, I found some unexpected issues compiling my NuGet package.
Sharpen The Saw #17
Monday, October 30 2017
In this episode from July 2016: Building a good build system; productivity improvements for Visual Studio 2015; how layoff decisions are made; geek advice for our parents; literate programming; and asynchronous programming in C#.
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November 2017 »