Assembly binding redirects for the fail
Saturday, December 02 2017
Adding a new feature to a personal project, I ran into an odd case where the unit tests weren’t running correctly. It took me hours to find the source of the problem, so I figured I’d share the result.
Sharpen The Saw #22
Monday, December 04 2017
In this episode from November 2016: What developers should really care about; the first release candidate for Visual Studio 2017; Writing unethical or illegal code; Emptying ATMs of their cash; things programmers say; and what dialup modem noises mean.
The curious case of the test that wouldn't run
Saturday, December 09 2017
The first symptom I noticed was when some of my unit tests wouldn’t run inside Visual Studio 2017. This wasn’t a simple case where a particular test failed, rather the problem was that the test wouldn’t run at all.
Sharpen The Saw #23
Monday, December 11 2017
In this episode from January 2017: Rubber duck problem solving; reformatting SQL queries; a pre-flight checklist for presentations; how to reduce the odds of identity theft; speaker extraordinaire, James Whittaker; and why you will fail to have a great career.
Defining command line parameters
Saturday, December 16 2017
I recently released a major update to my Niche.CommandLineProcessor NuGet package, an open source project that aims to make it easy to write console applications. The goal of the project is to allow you to concentrate on what the application does, not how to control it.
Handling command line parameters
Saturday, December 23 2017
Now we turn our attention to Program.cs
, making the changes needed to use the Niche.CommandLineProcessor) library to actually parse the arguments supplied by a user. One of the goals of the v3.0 release of the library was to make this as simple as possible.
Using Extension Methods
Saturday, December 30 2017
Think about the larger projects you’ve worked on during your career. Did you have a dumping ground for odd pieces of functionality? Perhaps a utility class or even multiple multiple utility classes? It’s a very common thing to see a utility class in any codebase of reasonable size, especially one that has been around for a while.
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January 2018 »