Redux Store
Saturday, April 06 2019
At the core of the Redux design pattern is the store, a central place for storing the current state of the application. There’s only ever one store for the entire application. Changes in state are made by dispatching messages to the store that are processed by a reducer.
Static Analysis
Saturday, April 13 2019
I’ve long been a fan of static analysis tools. They can act as a co-pilot, keeping an eye on things while you work, helping you to catch common types of problems. Let’s add (and tune!) some tools.
WPF Projects & ViewModelBase
Saturday, April 20 2019
Before we can start adding screens to our application, we need to set up some infrastructure for our WPF specific classes. In order to keep the WordTutor.Core
technology independent, we’ll do this by creating a new project.
Bootstrap Image ratios Fix
Saturday, April 27 2019
While developing the website for Code Camp Wellington 2019, I ran into an odd problem - the images for our organizing team were being squished on narrow format screens.
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