It’s not enough to just write the software - we need to be able to deploy that software as well. These posts touch on how we can effectively (and repeatably) deploy and update.
It’s not enough to just write the software - we need to be able to deploy that software as well. These posts touch on how we can effectively (and repeatably) deploy and update.
Sunday, July 19 2015
Check out the post “14 lessons after five years of professional programming” over on siavosh’s blog. It’s a great list, but I’d like to expand on one item: Check lists are your friends.
Tuesday, November 05 2013
Have you ever wanted a more elegant deployment solution than dumping all the files into a single folder?
Wednesday, August 07 2013
Once you’ve learnt the basics of using WiX to create msi installers, one of the more sophisticated techniques to master is the Remember Property pattern.
Thursday, October 30 2008
My whitepaper on WiX techniques has been updated to correct an error.
Friday, September 12 2008
I’ve collected a couple of my posts on WiX techniques and turned them into a reference white-paper for your convenience.
Wednesday, August 27 2008
In this post, I show how I’ve managed to integrate WiX into my NAnt build scripts while retaining consistency of versioning.