What's the value of a passing unit test?
Sunday, April 02 2017
A unit test that always passes has a certain value - but one that fails can be priceless. Think about the reasons why you might write unit tests for your code.
What's the value of a failing unit test?
Saturday, April 08 2017
As discussed last time, the value of a unit test comes when it fails, signaling that some necessary characteristic of the system is no longer present.
Static Analysis tools for the Win
Saturday, April 15 2017
It’s no secret that I’m a big fan of static analysis tools, believing that they can provide a very useful second opinion on my code, helping me to deliver high-quality code that does what it is needed.
In defense of XML
Tuesday, April 25 2017
There seems to be a lot of hatred for XML. It’s not hard to find blog posts and articles where the author rants about the deficiencies and inefficiencies of XML and promotes the beauty of JSON, YAML, or something else. Is this level of vitriol really deserved?
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