Of Colour and Presentation
Saturday, April 04 2009
The careful use of colour – of hue, saturation and lightness – can improve a user interface greatly. Sometimes the best use is to avoid distraction, allowing people to concentrate on differences that matter; sometimes the best use is to add information, revealing differences that were previously hidden. Mark Miller (of DotNetRocks and DevExpress fame) spends a lot of time focussing on this area, treating it (rightly, in my opinion) as a competitive advantage.
We are not our Users
Sunday, April 05 2009
We developers often approach software development as though our end users are just like us. Unfortunately for our end users, this is seldom the case.
Defining Polymorphism
Tuesday, April 07 2009
Saw an interesting question on StackOverflow today: Polymorphism - Define In Just Two Sentences
Working smarter with XElement
Tuesday, April 07 2009
Sometimes we developers do things the hard way for no better reason that not knowing that a better way is there.
How not to set up Tests
Friday, April 17 2009
Some unit tests on a project were newly failing - I’d done the checkin immediately before the first failure, so it fell to me to sort out the problem.
WinForms DataBinding Goodness
Monday, April 27 2009
There’s a lot of “goodness” buried in WinForms databinding that doesn’t get to see the light of day. Here’s one example I discovered just today …
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