False positive from Gendarme?
Saturday, May 09 2009
I’m coming up to speed with Gendarme, the open source assembly inspector.
An Event Snippet
Sunday, May 17 2009
Following on from my recent post about code snippets for property declarations, I thought I’d share the snippet I use for event declarations.
Is CruiseControl.NET worth the effort?
Sunday, May 24 2009
Let me begin by saying that CruiseControl.NET certainly delivers on it’s core promise as a Continuous Integration server - once everything is properly configured, the system ticks over well.
Getting the small things right
Monday, May 25 2009
It really bugs me when an application shows me a message like the one shown here. I’m willing to agree that, overall, it’s a minor issue - but the poor use of language really bugs me, and it makes me suspicious that maybe the rest of the application has had an equal lack of attention to detail.
Want to get more done, faster?
Saturday, May 30 2009
Several of the tips that I included in my recent user group presentation Towards Maintainability were oriented towards improving the quality of the code - making it easier to understand, safer to modify, and so on.
Windows 7 Taskbar ... Like!
Saturday, May 30 2009
I took the plunge last weekend and installed Windows 7 on my primary home machine. Slightly risky, but I figured since it was good enough for many others, it wasn’t too big a risk.
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